The Big Apprenticeship Thank You

As a big thank you to the apprentices across the UK who are collectively and individually creating tomorrow's workforce, Lifetime has partnered with the UK's leading brands to build you a package of rewards and recognitions that help you celebrate the life changing decision you made to choose an apprenticeship as your route to success.

All you need to take part is to become a member with the Association of Apprentices, which is completely free of charge.

Get your big thank you apprenticeship rewards

About Us

The Big Apprenticeship Thank You is a unique initiative designed to recognise and reward the invaluable contributions of apprentices to our economy and society. Led by Lifetime Training, we're committed to celebrating the hard work, dedication, and skills of apprentices across the nation.

Why We Do It

Apprenticeships are a fantastic way to gain practical skills and experience while earning a salary. They offer a pathway to fulfilling careers and empower individuals to reach their full potential. Through The Big Apprenticeship Thank You, we aim to:

  • Recognise the hard work and dedication of apprentices.
  • Reward their achievements with exclusive offers and discounts.
  • Inspire future generations to pursue apprenticeships.
  • Strengthen the apprenticeship ecosystem and promote its value.

How to Register

To register for The Big Apprenticeship Thank You, and to take advantage of the amazing offers available during National Apprenticeship Week, you will firstly need to register for free to become a member of the Association of Apprentices.

This is how we can validate that you are a current apprentice, studying an apprenticeship. After you have done this and received your Apprentice Membership Number you can fill out the form below.

Registration is now closed.
The last chance to signup was the 5th February - 5:00pm

Our Supporters

Thanks to the generosity of our partners and supporters, we've built an a-list of exclusive offers, freebies and discounts that'll fill you with appreciation this National Apprenticeship Week.

These partners include:

We've built the Big Apprenticeship Thank You to be scalable, so if you want to do your bit to say a Big Thank You to apprentices this National Apprenticeship Week, pledge a Thank You today.

Together, we'll inspire the next generation of apprenticeships. We thank our generous supporters: